Saturday, July 21, 2012

Week 25

We went to Chicago this week! Once again, our trip to Chicago reminded us of how much we love this city and how great our time in Illinos really was because of our wonderful friends there. Marie threw us a surprise baby shower at Gino's East with most of our crew from the 'Nois. It was fabulous getting to see everyone as it had been 10 months since we last saw them at P's defense. K then continued on his research trip to Penn State and P's mom came down to Texas to keep P company. Yesterday was our 25 week doctor visit. Both girls were very active during the sonogram. Lia's heart rate was 150 and Zadie's was 154. They are virtually the exact same size, both measuring about 5 days ahead of schedule--so just a tiny bit big. The fluid in Lia's sac measured a little high so we will monitor that. Both of them have feet that are about 2 inches long. This explains the continual kicks that we can now both feel.

Here were 2 good pictures of Lia's profile. In the first one you can see the "wall" that separates them.

And one kind of strange one of Zadie:

Quilts by G-Ma Ann

Over our summer in Oregon G-ma Ann made the girls several gifts including blankets, burp cloths, and bibs. Here are Zadie and Lia's quilts from G-ma Ann. K picked the fabrics and P helped with the cutting and ironing, so while most of the heavy lifting was definitely G-ma Ann, it was truly a team effort.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week 24

We returned to Texas this week. K and Bru left on Saturday via car and arrived Monday (note: do not stay at the Howard Johnson in Salt Lake). P then followed via plane on Tuesday and returned to work Wednesday morning. The girls have made it known that they prefer Oregon to Texas heat as P's ankles swelled almost immediately upon landing back in the Big D. They do, however, love swimming and P plans to swim daily until it gets too cold. The girls got a lot of attention from P's colleagues and even gave K a good kick so he could take part in the pregnancy fun--besides just taking over all housework.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 23

We had 2 fun showers this week where Zadie and Lia got a little bit spoiled, but we are now a lot more prepared for their arrival. Our good friends from Spokane also came to visit us, so it was a week filled with getting to spend time with lots of old friends.

It's hard for us to see the subtle changes in P's belly, so these weekly photo shoots are helpful in tracking the progress. The babies are moving each day, and sometimes we wake up to find a crooked belly as they must be cuddling up at night. We're heading back to Texas this next week so we will dearly miss our walks on the beach in nice COOL temperatures.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Week 22

This was a pretty typical week at the beach with lots of short walks on the beach with LOVELY weather. K's parents came to visit and we spent the night of the 4th with P's parents watching fireworks over the Siletz Bay--these girls are gonna love Mo's clam chowder!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Week 21

This picture is actually taken at 21 weeks and 3 days because we spent the latter part of the week at P's parents' house and had forgotten our printed numbers at the beach. Earlier in the morning around 8:30, P had severe abdominal and lower back pains which led to a trip to the Salem Hospital. After an examination and a few rounds of vomiting, the doctor told us that there was nothing to do for the pain and that it is just growing pains associated with a rapidly expanding uterus to accommodate twins. Fun stuff! Nonetheless, it was fun to see the girls via ultrasound again as it had been several weeks. Both were moving a lot with heart rates at 164 and 161. We were reassured that although there was some contraction-like activity taking place, it was not labor at all as the cervix is still very long--4.8. So, we were sent home to rest on the couch and attempt to get some food to stay down. Finally, around 2:30, the sharp pains subsided, we headed back to the beach, and all has been well.