Monday, May 11, 2009

Notes on Texas

1. The lingo is addictive and thereby worrisome. I caught myself writing (not saying, which is worse I think) the word "fixing." As in: "are you fixing to do x, y, or z?" To be fair, I was sick the entire trip and it could have therefore been the Dayquil talking. There is no hope for Patty, however, she already has a drawl.

2. Talking about the heat in Texas is to Texans, what talking about horrifying interviews is to doctoral candidates. Both are traumatic and thereby forge a wounded identification. Although it didn't get too terribly hot when we were there, we felt the potential in Dallas on the last day of our trip. Different kind of heat, less humidity than Illinois.

3. Big houses + low prices = Texas housing market. As it turns out, we didn't buy a big house, but there were some out there that were certifiably monstrous.

4. Texas law prohibits bidding competitions for a house/property. Seems very uncapitalistic in THE capitalistic state. Fortunately for *me*, Denton law prohibits homeowners from raising chickens in neighborhoods. Don't even get me started on this one...

5. Funniest thing I saw concerning the recent flu epidemic: a costco size bottle of hand sanitizer in a local coffeehouse that said "Swine Juice."

6. Can't count (literally) how many homes we walked into that had the Texas flag hanging *in the master bedroom.* We can now literally say that Texans get off on their home about romance.

7. The seller of the house we bought wants to retain mineral rights to the property!?!? I think that if anyone ruins our house/neighborhood digging for minerals, we are the ones who will benefit, thank you...

8. Will be very happy there. Lots of trees, lots of green grass, lots of good local places to eat, lots of good friends!

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