Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our Day with the Irish

BRRRRRR!!!! Yesterday, we took the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend a Notre Dame football an affordable price. Our neighbor managed to squeeze four tickets out of a co-worker who is an alum of Notre Dame. So, yesterday the four of us bundled up and headed over to South Bend, Indiana. We left at 8 am with lots of layers, handwarmers, hats, coats, and hoods and made our way to Indiana where 6 inches of snow greeted us. We parked about 1 mile from the stadium, so we had a good chance to wander through the campus before and after the game. During the game, we all nearly froze to death, but had a great time watching and being a part of all the Notre Dame football traditions. We were exhausted when we arrived back home around 11:00 and crashed into a bed of warm flannel sheets. Perhaps I can convince K to leave his dissertation alone for a few minutes to add some more details, but I need to get back to my papers, so enjoy the slideshow for now---click the little caption icon to get some narration.

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