Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Amazing Hairy Bru-dini

I have been getting in trouble with P the past couple of weeks because I have allegedly forgotten to lock Bruchi in his kennel, thus leading to Bru greeting us as soon as we walk in the door. Apparently, I am "too preoccupied with other things" (e.g. dissertating, job stuff, etc.) and simply overlook the fact that the kennel needs to be latched. I was vindicated, however, when my suspicion that Bruchi had learned to open the latch on his kennel door proved to be true. Apparently, P had come home with Bru locked in his kennel only to find that, moments later, he joined her in the closet as she hung up her coat. Bru (a.k.a. the amazing bru-dini) has gotten out four times this week, which increases the escape total to about ten. Shockingly, he hasn't gotten into any trouble or made any messes once he has been out; he simply contents himself with sleeping on the couch.

Of course, those who know the history of Bruchi's precocious nature will not be surprised by this news. You will remember that we had to change all of the door handles upstairs because Bru learned to open them. Bru has also learned to prop himself up on the edge of the kitchen counter and swipe down anything that is not kept at an obscene distance (he has pulled down two Papa Murphy's pizzas).

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