Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Love Teach to Write (good)

I (P) have a few students who have discovered that my e-mail address is on the school website, so they have enjoyed e-mailing with me this summer. I figure it's a great way to keep them writing and reading during the time of year students' literacy suffers the most. On a more personal note, it also helps remind me why I love my job so much and will be excited to return come August. Below, you will see an e-mail from one of my students, let's call her Wanda. Just for some background, I had Wanda and her sister, "Gina," in my classes last year and have e-mailed with both of them this summer. Gina (a soon-to-be 6th grader) has e-mailed me frequently, and I just received Wanda's first e-mail the other day. I had asked Wanda if she had been reading, enjoying her swimming lessons, and writing any journals. The journals are a part of our meeting time everyday where students respond to a "question of the day" in a rather scripted format. The idea is to help 1st-5th graders write an organized paragraph at their appropriate age/linguistic level. Without stifling the students' creativity and composition skills, I include a few rather general grammatical rules--which we later learn to break. These rules include conventions like: Don't start a sentence with and, but, or because; Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence; period at the end; etc.

Here is Wanda's response to my e-mail:

will I am have allot of fun,but my swimming is not that good gina swimming is good and Mrs.Jensen I almost forgot that I can't start with a "but" in the begin of the sentences! opp!
will I have been reading books! :)

Who wouldn't love my job?!

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