Sunday, July 27, 2008

How 'bout a Fresca!?

Some things that are concerning me (K) of late:

1. Nobody knows Caddy Shack lines! The past couple of weeks, P and I have been drinking Fresca, and everytime we crack open a can, I say "how 'bout a Fresca?" hoping that someone will catch the pop culture reference. When I receive blank stares, I proceed to recite the lines "How would you like to mow my lawn? hmmmm?? hmmmmmmm???" to which I receive more blank stares. COME ON!!! This is Judge Smails (see below)!!! By the way Fresca is making a rampant comeback. If you have not had one recently, go to the store and refresh yourself. P and I have been addicted since our excursion to Mexico. They are probably right next to Tab and Diet Rite.

2. Reality television shows. Seriously, I am getting frustrated by the fact that the clear cut best performers in shows such as American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance are getting cut early or lose the finale. I told you all that David Archuleta was the best and predicted he would lose. Now, Will from So You Think You Can Dance gets cut? Makes you want to kick yourself in the teeth. Revote!

3. I saw Meryl Streep in Mama Mia earlier this week and nearly walked out of the theater. The logic (rightfully) goes: Meryl Streep is an exceptional actress and would not put herself through a bad movie performance. Apparently, that logic is faulty because the movie is awful. Whoever cast Pierce Brosnan in a singing role should be shot. The Abba songs, however, were great!

4. Our culture's sense of humor, generally. Last night P, M, and I went to the Shakespeare festival to see "Shakespeare's complete works." I was excited to go because, as many of you know, I love going to plays (generally) and seeing Shakespeare dramas (particularly). Unfortunately, this version of the Complete Works was guided by what can only be described as the Larry the Cable Guy effect; you know, hick guys with Nascar T-shirts being generally sexist, racist, classist, homophobic and stupid. I swear the phrase "Get Ur Dun" was recited at least ten times. In any event, everyone in the crowd was laughing hysterically at the -ist jokes that permeated the play and I couldn't help but feel as if was Shakespeare getting dissed and our culture was generally going down the crapper. Yes, Shakespeare told dick and fart jokes, but so much of the real humor of Shakespeare is sophisticated plays on language. This is the third comedy at this particular festival that has adopted this method. I have decided not to go back. But still I wonder, what is the fascination with this type of man (e.g. Larry the Cable guy)? I wonder if there is a correlation between the popularity of comics and the ethos of the other words Larry the Cable Guy is funny because in varying degrees, he represents a version of the president. Anyway.

Back to work!


Tara and Bryan said...

How do you measure yourself up to other golfers?

By Height...

KPJ said...

very nice!