Monday, May 7, 2007

(We Hope!!!) Our Future Sister In Law . . .

For a long time, our little brother JG. brought home these girls that made you want to stick your head in a grease vat. So pretty, yet so utterly vapid that even his mom had to question his better judgment. There was Trisha who giggled incessantly and couldn't quite figure out how to play a relatively simple board game, then there was Kristen who left him alone bleeding in a hospital after a motorcycle accident that was HER FAULT!!!, then there was the beauty school dropout whose name we didn't even bother to learn, we'll call her Daphne. Since Thanksgiving, however, JG. has scored himself a winner, a former basketball and soccer star who snorts when she giggles and whom we ABSOLUTELY love. She knows her hoops trivia, she is wicked competitive (and violent! don't let her near a pingpong paddle), and she laughs at Shugs' jokes even when they aren't funny (let's be honest are they ever funny?). In short she is a keeper. Perhaps the most amazing thing about her is that she has worked at Subway since she was about 7 years old, which means she can make a mean cold-cut-combo. Today, she sent us this photo of her and JARED, yes THAT JARED!!!!

Here's to you AP! We sincerely hope you stick around forever. We miss you and your boy very much and hope you are coming to visit soon!

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