1. Be Kind
2. It's not as good as I would like it to have been, I just needed more time
3. Sorry you have to read this
4. I haven't slept in, like, three days
5. Yep, I just pushed through this cause I have more important stuff to take care of
6. Thanks for an "interesting" class
7. I really like my HOL paper, but the rest is really bad
8. How hard are you grading these?
9. Yeah, I am just not really that into technology (in a class about technology)
10. I hope I pass
11. This cover art thing you had us do was bullshit
12. Me: why do you have a picture of a cartoon man hammering a computer on your cover?
Student: why, do others have a similar picture too?
Me: yep, is that how you feel about this class?
Student: (sheepish grin) kind of . . .
Me: (as they turn the corner out of my office) "F"
Yikes, maybe I should start my courses with what not to say to the instructor in order to maximize your grade potential. Are students really that oblivious?