Thursday, October 6, 2022

A Day at Mortimer's Farm


    We woke up one morning and ate a good heavy breakfast before going to Mortimer's Farm with the Mulligan Family.  We went to go pick them up at their house. We punched in the gate code and they all got in the car.  I was in the back seat with Gwendolyn and Anna. (It was very squish to sit in the middle of two booster seats.)  I read them the books Anna brought in the car. First we read"I Look Like Spilt Milk". Then we read "Speak Up Molly Lou Melon." After we were done reading we sang songs.  We asked each other "what we were going to be for Halloween?" Anna said " I am going to be a cheerleader." Gwendolyn said " I might be a pterodactyl." I said "I don't know yet." Next we played a game of would you rather. Finally we picked music to listen to.  As we pulled into Mortimer's we all got excited!

    We walked in and got our tickets and Amy got us some nuts, it was buy 2 get 1 free. Hadley got upset as we were walking out. Me and Lia went running to the red neck swing! we all got on Anna and Gwendolyn shared a seat an Me and Hadley shared a seat. Hadley did not like it so much! Then we went on the Zip lines and all went zooming down.  Next we went on the blow up pillow and played fun games. Then we went on the merry- go- round.  Amy pushed us very very fast next me and Amy helped Hadley go on the Zip lines. While The others went on the red neck swing again.  After that we went on a long walk to the corn mazes. Me, Anna, Gwendolyn, Parker, and Lia were screaming practically the whole way there because of the grasshoppers. We finally got to the corn maze and it was pretty easy. We all went in with a partner, Lia and Parker,  Anna and Gwendolyn, and Me and Hadley. We were the last in and the 2nd out! We had a quick snack and then went to go play.  We then saw Raegan and Dunkin!  We went on the red neck swing and where taking turns pushing. Then a guy came over and pushed us really high! Parker was climbing around and just sat down but he was not quite ready, then the guy let go and parker went flying and luckily he fell to the outside and not the middle but got a big scratch on his lower back. Mean while Gwendolyn Anna & Hadley are running around with the farm dog! We walk out towards the tunnel slides. Finally the group picture and we are off to Prescott. We get all situated we got soda and some snacks.  We were on our way too Prescott. ( For Pizza) ;) 

    We got to Prescott and had a delicious margarita pizza from "Billie's Pizza".  We had a picnic at the square and played. Finally we got some ice cream, it was good! We were on our way to the Mulligan's house. After we dropped them off we went to the Library.

                                                            Blog By: Zadie Jane Jensen

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