Wednesday, May 29, 2019


She can be overly aggressive, but she’s also one of the most compassionate kids you’ll ever meet. She loves to give hugs and is always ready to help someone else find a friend. Her quirks and strong will make her a bit difficult to get along with at times, but no one can say Lia isn’t principled. If she senses that someone has a plan that does not line up with her ideals (or her parents) she is going to stand up and let them know—we’re working on being assertive and not quite so aggressive. Her tender heart also means she gets her feelings hurt quickly and often, and she can see right through malintentioned motives and will call a person on it right away. Her “hey hey” doesn’t slow her down at all, she explains it to others beautifully, and she makes us all nervous the way she flings it around. We’re still working on focus and responsibility, but she’s whip smart, bilingual, reading on a 3rd grade level, has an incredible memory, and absolutely loves to learn. Lia will do something great to change the world some day. 

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