Sunday, October 7, 2018


When asked to describe this one Lia says, “naughty,” Zadie says, “funny,” Mama says, “spunky,” and Daddy says, “Whoa!” Those four words come close to capturing this girl’s smart, goofy, sweet (sometimes), and spontaneous personality. Some quotes of hers from the last couple days we have to remember:
“I’m the most scariest person in our family because if anyone ever comes after us I’ll just really kick them in the ding ding.”
After putting her to bed... 
“did you just brush your teeth?”
“Can I smell?”
Sure. Blow at her. 
“No. I want to smell in your mouth. Open it up.”
Sticks her nose in my mouth.
“Mmmmmmmm. That smells soooo good! Night night.”

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