Saturday, July 22, 2017


The girls loved their first ever VBS experience. Gwendolyn did not seem at all disappointed that she's not old enough yet.

Goggles- It's a Process

Polar Opposites

The twins were looking at a picture today as part of their reading lesson, where there is a muddy cat running toward the door of a house with a man at the door. When asked what you would do if you were standing at the door of the house:
Z- close the door and keep him out!
L- wash him and clean him up.

Pretty much sums up their perspectives on life. 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Silver Falls

...and Georgia faceplants while everyone stares. 

Gilbert House...Again and Again

Build a Bear

Two year olds

These two have a lot of the same interests, but mostly just love having everyone give them attention. It works out great when the attention involves something they can do together. 


This is the closest to a rodeo these girls have ever been. 


Alex is pretty good at giving us lots of attention. 


We've been wearing this girl out. 

We Love Playgrounds


I think she puts those Baywatch models to shame. 

Mo's Family Shot

Drift Creek Falls

That Tongue

4th of July

Zadie had a bit of an attitude for a few moments, but she eventually got things cleared up. 

Hallie had a bit of an attitude as well. Notice Rhett's firm headlock to hold her in place.