Saturday, May 13, 2017

Crazy Conversations

These three bring lots of spunk to the world. They say stuff all the time that makes us wonder what on earth is going on in their heads. It's rare that a day passes that we aren't trying to keep a straight face after some off the wall or funny comment. We usually forget to write them down, but we've caught a couple. 

Lia- Mama? Do you think we could buy a plastic dolphin and give it to who doesn't have a house?

Lia- Daddy, I love you like a circle. It just keeps going forever and never stops. 

Gwendolyn- We frequently read a book called "Time for Bed." Daddy likes to mess up the rhymes and make the girls laugh and correct them: 
It's time for bed little calf, little calf.
What happened today that made you HUNGRY?
So, the girls were taking turns "reading" the book very seriously and very well, and Gwendolyn gets her turn (and is using a lot of filler phrases when her little mouth can't keep up with her brain):
"It's time for bed little sheep little sheep,
Ehhhhh uh uh uh world is going to uh uh JOKE!" We all died laughing. 

Zadie-  I love you 198. (Zadie has quantified her love with her pragmatic self, while Lia tends to spend life off in some other philosophical world that is all too real in her mind.)


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