Sunday, December 18, 2016


Our baby turned 2, and we couldn't be happier. She is officially out of the baby stage, gaining more independence by the day, and learning her boundaries better all the time. She has A LOT of words and language, strings together phrases, is getting a grasp on constructing original sentences, rote counts to 12 in English (5 or so in Spanish), holds a pencil appropriately, can draw straight lines, colors in the lines, LOVES books and reading, runs, jumps, goes up and down stairs, throws and kicks a ball, and basically does everything possible to keep up with her big sisters. She has a huge sense of humor, making us all laugh, and gives pretty great hugs. She still does not like being separated from her closest caretakers, but is quite friendly when we're out and about--says "hi" and tells people her name (Nini). She has definitely lived up to her middle name--Joy. 

She enjoyed a Texas birthday with her Texas family, and an Oregon Nutcracker-themed birthday with her cousin Hallie as well. The girl knows how to party. 









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