Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years Rockin Eve

We're a wild bunch with ages ranging from 91 years to 38 weeks gestation, so our NYE party ended with a Netflix countdown at 7:30 pm, toasting sparkling cider, baths, and watching the last 30 minutes of "Madeline" the movie. 





Sunday, December 25, 2016


Everyone had a great time opening gifts Christmas Eve. 

The girls insisted on leaving Santa some cookies and milk, as well as feeding his reindeer. They are very into Santa this year. 

Lia and Zadie were pleased with their mermaid tails just as they had asked, but they were a bit concerned that they could not swim in them. 
 And Gwendolyn was thrilled that Santa remembered her Cheerios. 



Christmas at the Beach

The girls get several different Christmases each year-- one in Texas and several in Oregon. Here are pictures from their Christmas at the Beach. 


Painting Presents

The girls each painted an ornament from their cousins for Christmas. They love to paint. 




Monday, December 19, 2016


The girls love getting to be with their cousins when we're in Oregon. When all the cousins are together, we pose for a lot of pictures. 
Sometimes we crash. 



The littlest cousins take baths together. 
We dress up together. 

We snuggle together.

We dance together. 
We hike together. 


We watch sea otters and sea lions together. 

We swim from sharks together. 

And we eat big meals together.