Sunday, November 29, 2015

11 Months

This little monkey is constant trouble. While she's generally a happy girl she continues to keep us on our toes and laughing. She crawls as if her leg is broken and looks a bit like Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump or like a little ape. She sits on her bottom, curls one leg under as if she's going to crawl properly, keeps her other leg out in front, and then puts her hands down and swings herself forward. It is certainly not the most efficient way of moving, but she gets whenever she pleaded and has gotten pretty fast at it. She climbs the stairs perfectly and on all fours--almost as if she were a normal child. She loves to climb anything she can, so we are constantly and creatively containing her in an attempt to keep her safe. Her sense of humor is evident when we sit at the dinner table and she raises her arms or makes goofy faces or noises just so that she can get a good laugh. Her scream is still deafening and will move anyone to immediate action. 

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