Saturday, October 17, 2015

10 months

This little girl keeps us laughing and on our toes. She wants to go nonstop, but still doesn't crawl, so she gets very frustrated when her sisters leave her in the dust. She has lots of personality, is generally friendly to others (but will not stay alone with someone other than Mama, Daddy, or Adriana). When we try the church nursery, she screams so loud that they always come calling us--so we've given it up. Her favorite game is "how big's Gwendolyn" and legos. She's generally happy so long as she is moving, spinning, being thrown in the air, standing up, playing with Bruchi, or has a big sister in front of her to keep her entertained. She eats a lot of solid food, but is not enjoying being spoon fed much anymore. She wants to feed herself whenever possible. Little miss Gwendolini  brings lots of joy and excitement to the house. 

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