Saturday, October 31, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

We went on our first field trip to the pumpkin patch with Adriana and the Kindergarten classes from Mama's school. It was a muddy mess but we had a lot of fun--and it completely wore us out. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Cute Kids

Gwendolyn's First Cookie Baking Experience

Needless to say, she was not much help. Flour went everywhere and she had to exit the scene rather quickly. 

Fall Showers

Fall finally kicked in, but it looks more like Spring--major downpours. Two little girls had a ball jumping in puddles and dancing in the torrential rain showers. 

Halloween Dress Rehearsal

Awana Song

The girls love singing their Awana song st the top of their lungs--especially the last part, "Youth On The March!" Lia has held the flag proudly a few times, but Zadie's still a bit hesitant. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Pumpkin Palooza

We squeezed in a trip to the Dallas Arboreteum last week to check out all the lovely Fall colors and pumpkin displays. All 3 girls loved all the pumpkins. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

10 months

This little girl keeps us laughing and on our toes. She wants to go nonstop, but still doesn't crawl, so she gets very frustrated when her sisters leave her in the dust. She has lots of personality, is generally friendly to others (but will not stay alone with someone other than Mama, Daddy, or Adriana). When we try the church nursery, she screams so loud that they always come calling us--so we've given it up. Her favorite game is "how big's Gwendolyn" and legos. She's generally happy so long as she is moving, spinning, being thrown in the air, standing up, playing with Bruchi, or has a big sister in front of her to keep her entertained. She eats a lot of solid food, but is not enjoying being spoon fed much anymore. She wants to feed herself whenever possible. Little miss Gwendolini  brings lots of joy and excitement to the house. 

Pumpkin Cookies

Two big helpers are getting very good at making (and decorating) sugar cookies. 


Gwendolyn went to a work day for the outdoor learning center at school last week while the big girls were at ballet. It was exhausting watching everyone do all that work. 

Neighborhood Walks

Oops! Fighting the war...
With all the fun Fall decorations around the neighborhood, the girls have had a great time posing for the camera in other people's yards. No boundaries.