Thursday, July 30, 2015

ZZ's Sweetness

Z got to run some errands with Daddy the other day. Before they left Target she said, "we need to get Mama a drink" and pointed to the Starbucks. K agree and took her to the Srarbucks at Target, but they said they weren't serving got drinks ( in 100 degree weather), and K still had more stops so a cold drink wouldn't last. Instead, he got Z a raspberry lemonade and explained why her plan wouldn't work this time. Z looked at her drink and said, "we have to share my drink with Mama...and Lia." K laughed and told her how sweet she was to think of us. Needless to say, the drink didn't last all the way home and Z looked down at it, a bit surprised and disappointed with herself and announced that it was all gone. She's about the most tender-hearted two year old around. 

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