Thursday, July 30, 2015

Watch Out for Wendy!

Little Miss Wendy knocked her good pal, Diego, in the nose today and gave him a bloody nose. It looks like she's already making boys cry at just 7 months. We aren't joking when we tell people that she's a feisty little one. 

Tie Dye T-shirts

We made tie dye shirts this week with Adriana. Z wanted her own pool for the back yard. 

Here's the final product. 

ZZ's Sweetness

Z got to run some errands with Daddy the other day. Before they left Target she said, "we need to get Mama a drink" and pointed to the Starbucks. K agree and took her to the Srarbucks at Target, but they said they weren't serving got drinks ( in 100 degree weather), and K still had more stops so a cold drink wouldn't last. Instead, he got Z a raspberry lemonade and explained why her plan wouldn't work this time. Z looked at her drink and said, "we have to share my drink with Mama...and Lia." K laughed and told her how sweet she was to think of us. Needless to say, the drink didn't last all the way home and Z looked down at it, a bit surprised and disappointed with herself and announced that it was all gone. She's about the most tender-hearted two year old around. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Baby Gwndolyn fell asleep on our walk to the pool tonight. We let her enjoy an evening nap for a few minutes while the rest of us swam. Lest she miss out on the fun (or not sleep well during the night), we woke her up after 10 minutes for a little dip in the pool. 

Everyone loves the water for now. Lia jumps in the pool like a boss. Zadie has such a pathetic jump that she has knocked her rear end on the side of the pool a few times. Gwendolyn just smiles and flaps her little penguin wings, making splashes.

Friday, July 24, 2015

"America is Dying" and "Shake your Booty"

While playing with their musical globe this morning we were talking about the continents as they lit up and played regional music. The batteries were beginning to fail when we played some music from North America. They then just gave out and the music stopped. We pressed North America again, and it failed again. 

Z looks up and says, "America is dying." No room for politicians in this house. 

We changed the batteries and got all of the continents operating again. As music played from Asia and the girls danced with their hands L says, "Shake your booty, Mama." To which Z responds, "No, we don't shake our booty in Asia. We move our hands." Oh, these girlies. 

Summer Sun

The girls have had lots of fun playing with Adriana and the kids. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

7 Months

Gwendolyn seems to have enjoyed being seven months. She now has 3 teeth which all came within a few days of each other--quite gracefully, and number 4 is on the way. She is starting to get good at eating solids and even opens her mouth for food. Her favorite food so far is peaches--beating out broccoli, bananas, peas, and rice cereal. All in all, she is now a relatively happy little girl who loves activity and attention--it's a good thing she has two big sisters. 

Our First Pie Eating Contest

We went to Willamette Valley Fruit Company mostly just to play and pick up a few tears, but it turns out they were having a pie eating contest. When we heard the entrance fee was $0, we happily entered and enjoyed a berry turnover. The only rule was hat you couldn't use hands--not a problem for Lia, but not great for Zadie. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Goodbye Oregon

The big girls loved walking back and forth on the moving sidewalk. Cautious at first, they became masters after about 10 laps. (Note the PDX famous carpet). 
Perhaps the best picture is Daddy folded up on the Spirit airplane. 

Silver Creek Falls

We enjoyed an evening at Silver Creek Falls to close off our trip to Oregon. 

Another Carousel Visit


At 2 3/4 years old, it was time for the girls' first haircut. We were reluctant to take anything off Lia's hair as she doesn't have a ton of it. Nonetheless, we couldn't handle the frizz in the back much longer, so we paid a visit to Auntie Jess.  
Zadie didn't need much of a cut, but she got a tiny trim and some fancy curls. 

Farm Girls

These girls had a lot of fun running around on the farm this past week. Who would have thought Zadie would be the brave one to run through the rows of corn? While she was initially too timid to ride the four wheeler with anyone other than her mama, she ended her time asking for more rides with Papa. 


It's always fun to take pictures in a fancy tub. 

Oh, the Baby Pram

Nana always wanted a pram and found this one in Kutztown, Pennsylvania at an outdoor market. She managed to get it stuffed into a friend's SUV where it travelled to Virginia and then back to Washington State. It made two trips to Oregon and has travelled to more places than most buggies ever do! It is a little over 100 years old, is made of wicker, and has glass portholes in the canopy. It was made somewhere in the midwest and as the story goes it was owned by just one family for all those years until Nana spotted it! 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lia's Bath Hair Do

Park at the Beach

Two girls are now the perfect age to enjoy our favorite playground at the beach. 

Sound sleepers

The girls have enjoyed sharing beds during our Oregon vacation.