Saturday, June 13, 2015

5 months

I sit up and roll from front to back--mostly  because I hate my tummy. I love my big sisters. They can almost always make me smile or laugh. Zadie is very attentive to me and frequently mothers me and checks up on me. Lia is a bit more of a playmate who makes me laugh really hard. I think she's pretty funny. I still am incredibly particular about how I'm held, when I'm held, the temperature of a bottle (won't take it if it's anything above room temperature and definitely prefer the freshly pumped milk), and I demand that I be a part of everyone's world--don't you dare try to set me in my exersaucer and eat dinner without me at the table. I really love being carried on Mama's tummy so that I can see the whole world and participate like everyone else. If you want me to fall asleep just rock me (aggressively) and sing Edelweiss. When someone asks what's wrong with me Mama, Adriana, Daddy, or G-am just say, "it's Gwendolyn." Don't try to put me on a schedule or predict what I ought to do. I am Gwendolyn. Hear me scream. 

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