Tuesday, June 30, 2015

More Beach Pics

We kind of like spending time on the beach, so we take lots of pictures. 
And little miss personality. 

Lia and the Puffin

Lia hammed it up with the puffin at the aquarium while Zadie wouldn't get close. 

Beach Babies

Gwendolyn's First Taste of Sand

Even though Gwendolyn made her first trip to the Oregon Coast when she was just 3 weeks old, she really didn't get a true taste of the beach until this trip at 6 months. 

She has been a happy little camper and clearly loves the beach and sand. She had been fascinated with running the sand through her fingers and trying to eat it. Yuck. Perhaps all that sand helped her break her first tooth today--and really very gracefully. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Half Birthday Party

G-ma couldn't resist the chance for a celebration, so here's Gwendolyn and Hallie at their party. 

Happy Girl

Gwendolyn has been a lot happier in Oregon--or since turning 6 months. She loves the attention. 
Lia also loves attention. 


We got the sprinkler and squirt guns out for some hot weather, but these girls wanted nothing to do with the sprinkler today. We'll try again another day. 

Friday, June 26, 2015


We had a great time showing off and entertaining Grammy. 

Enchanted Forest

Z and L were great ages to enjoy Enchanted Forest this year. Of course, it helped having their cousins tour them around the entire park. We even went on a small roller coaster and bad a lot of fun. 

Everyday Fun

We've had lots of fun just hanging out at G-ma and Papa's house. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Goofy Girls

Happy Father's Day

Daddy was driving to Oregon so we didn't get to see him. Instead, we spent it with our Papa. We did still get to write about Daddy during Sunday School. 

Oregon Greeters

Once we got off the plane, we had a a large welcoming crew take us to lunch at Spaghetti Factory. 
Afte a short nap in the car, we said "hello" to our other cousins and then headed up to the Gardners' for dinner. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Flying Solo

Let's just say that Mama had to travel alone with all 3 girls, and we got dropped off at the wrong gate, which normally wouldn't be a problem, but it was a big mess with all of the DFW construction. Security, Skylink with a bag that should have been checked, at least 10 escalators, 2 moving sidewalks, and lots of walking. All 3 girls did great, and we could almost say it was fun. 

Dallas Zoo

We decided at the last minute to go to the Dallas Zoo for our last weekend before our summer trip to Oregon. Even though we had a lot of things that we should have been doing, we decided to go have some fun. The weather was strange, but we managed to stay dry. During one massive downpour we stayed undercover and got a pretty close look at the elephants.

The giraffes were the biggest hit without a doubt. Between the baby giraffe and the fact that they are close enough to touch, we all were impressed. 

6 Months

We thought we'd never make it to see 6 months. This girl is pure trouble, but has gotten lots better as time passes. She still is incredibly picky about everything. She'll reject a bottle only to demand it and guzzle it 2 minutes later. She is one of the largest of her kind--97% for height, 91 for weight (at 19 lbs), and 94 for head circumference. We could attest to this as our arms frequently go numb carrying this little load since she won't let us set her down for long. She had her first bite of rice cereal, and, like everything else, it just depends on her mood as to whether or not she'll like it. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Feliz Cumpleanos!

We had some pret excited girls for Natalia's Birthday. We decorated with lots of yellow, bought some gifts, and then had a full day of birthday fun, complete with a cupcake piñata. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sister Snuggles

Playground Pals

Backyard Fun

We've been having a blast this spring playing in the backyard--squirt guns, sprinklers, hopscotch, bubbles, and chalk. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hodge Podge

Mama took us to school to experience our first ever Hodge Podge. Gwendolyn slept like a good girl for the 30 minutes in Mama's office. Once she woke up though, she got really mad because she didn't know where she was or who the people around her were. G-ms finally got her to calm down by sitting out front. Z and L had a great time with Adriana and one of the Kindergarten classes. They thought it was a lot of fun getting wet and running in some of the races.