Sunday, February 15, 2015

Two months

Little Miss Gwendolyn is two months old today. She is a very chill baby when she isn't screaming. :) It seems that the poor girl has some sort of digestive issues where she gets little air bubbles stuck and screams until she can fix the problem. This makes feeding very precarious as we never know if she'll get an upset tummy, why she has the upset tummy, or what exactly is causing her to scream. Most of the time we eventually get her to calm down by walking...a lot.  Other than the screaming, she doesn't get bothered by a lot, smiles easily, and likes to kick her legs and make cooing sounds. She sleeps pretty well and for relatively long stretches of time at night. We generally put her to bed around 10, she sleeps until 2 or 3, eats for 30-60 minutes, and then sleeps again until close to 7. 

Here are her stats:
Weight- 13 lbs. 85%
Height- 24 in. 97%
head- 40cm. 92%

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