Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lia-Tards and Zadie-Tards

This morning at breakfast we were talking about getting ready for ballet class. Last week was a total nightmare when Lia was devastated to learn she was wearing the black leotard. All week long she has talked about it being her turn to wear the pink leotard. Well, here's how the conversation went:
Z- I'm going to wear the black leotard to ballet class. 
L- No, Zadie, I'm going to wear the leotard. You'll wear the Zadie-tard. 

In other news, we have now gone two straight evenings where Gwendolyn hasn't screamed all night. Hooray!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Two months

Little Miss Gwendolyn is two months old today. She is a very chill baby when she isn't screaming. :) It seems that the poor girl has some sort of digestive issues where she gets little air bubbles stuck and screams until she can fix the problem. This makes feeding very precarious as we never know if she'll get an upset tummy, why she has the upset tummy, or what exactly is causing her to scream. Most of the time we eventually get her to calm down by walking...a lot.  Other than the screaming, she doesn't get bothered by a lot, smiles easily, and likes to kick her legs and make cooing sounds. She sleeps pretty well and for relatively long stretches of time at night. We generally put her to bed around 10, she sleeps until 2 or 3, eats for 30-60 minutes, and then sleeps again until close to 7. 

Here are her stats:
Weight- 13 lbs. 85%
Height- 24 in. 97%
head- 40cm. 92%

Tiny Tutus

The girls went to their first ballet class through Parks and Rec on Saturday. At first Lia seemed to be watching a movie. She was completely captivated by the whole experience, but didn't dare participate--just stared. Once we encouraged her to do what the teacher was doing she did exactly what she was supposed to do. Zadie was much more reluctant and would only participate when the teacher prodded her or held her hand. She did have a few tears, but was mostly into it all as well. 

Here's Lia mentally preparing for the big task of chasse-ing across the dance floor. 

After the ballet class we had to shoot some hoops with Daddy. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 13, 2015


Only Lia

We went for a walk to the "school playground" the other day. As soon as we got there Lia had an accident in one of the tube tunnels (she hasn't had an accident in weeks). The poor girl was very upset and soaked. We told the girls that we would have to head back right away since Lia was now very wet--and it was quite cold outside. Of course they didn't want to head back yet, and in the process of stripping Lia we found a pair of panties in our little playground bag. So, we took off the wet clothes (including her sock) and gave her new panties. She didn't think twice and continued enjoying her time at the playground. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

More Wedding Photos

We got a few pictures of the girls from ToTo and Matt's wedding. Lia always manages to share how she's feeling. I believe she had just had a little chat about not getting to run around in the crowded space by the food just before this photo was taken. Clearly, she was happy. 

Super Bowl Sad

The Blenden and Ross families joined us for the Suoerbowl this year. It was an especially fun year since the Seahawks were playing the Patriots so Uncle Jim and Auntie Jess were at the game to watch Ryan. After an exciting game, we were completely let down by a bad play call that ended the game with an interception and a Seahawks loss. Nonetheless, we had a lot of fun. Both big girls loved cheering for he Seahawks. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

End of "Vacation"

Mama's time staying at home with the girls has come to an end. Just before she went back to work both of the big girls got a special lunch just with Mama. The joke in this plan is that whoever was out for their special lunch just kept asking for her sister. Zadie chose to go to Olive Garden for Alfredo. Lia chose "yellow ice cream" and really wanted to get "orange ice cream" for Zadie. They just couldn't quite get the idea that their other half wasn't there. Here are a few photos that capture the old soul of Zadie and the quirky Lia. 

Monday, February 2, 2015


Lia is a good sleeper. The other day she fell asleep in the car. When we transferred her inside, she needed a pull up for her nap so we laid her on the changing table to make a quick swap. The poor girl just curled up and flipped over in the middle of the switch. She's pretty sweet.