Monday, September 8, 2014

The Pentecostal and the Amish Eaters

Lia loves food. She is passionate about her food. So much so, that she had titled a Lemon Pasta dish "Amen Pasta." We initially just thought that was a fluke deal, until last night's chili dinner. In the middle of devouring her chili she yelled out, "hallelujah!" So, we now have Amen Pasta and Hallelulah Chili. 
Zadie, on the other hand is much more lukewarm about her food. First, she doesn't wear it quite the same way as Lia does. And not only does she not break out into praise while she's eating, but she downplays it all. If you ask her if she likes something, she simply responds with a very soft, "yeah."

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