Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Holding Hands

Here we are with out school friends: Harper, Addy, Micah, ZZ, Lo, and Mrs. Kristy. 

All Aboard!

Apparently these girls needed to get more into their train table so they just decided to board the train. 

Ice Cures Everything

Sweet Lia took a pretty nasty fall in the bathroom on Sunday because she insists on getting on and off the toilet all by herself, "Lia help." Among other things, she hit her bottom on the corner of the step stool and about fell apart. Thankfully, an hour's worth of ice made it all better. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Phrases We Have to Remember

As the girls experiment more and more with grammar we find ourselves constantly laughing and in awe over their phrases. While we can't remember them all, I need to document a few of them so that we can at least remember some. 

When she has to go potty (and is likely going potty in her pants--especially in the car seat), Lia says, "wait the potty, wait the potty, wait the potty." As fast as she can. 
"ZZ Turn." - Zadie's favorite phrase when she thinks she has waited long enough for her turn (zero wait time at all).
"Lia turn." - Lia's counter to "ZZ Turn."
"Toot toot" (laugh) - Everytime they pass gas. 
"Mama's water." -What Lia says when she sees Starbucks. Oops!
"Mama hot coffee." - both girls like to call any drink "hot coffee,"
"How about ummm..." - the girls' response when we ask what song we should sing. 
"Eat! Eat!" (While signing for "eat.") mostly Lia's imperative for, "give me good now."
"ZZ's funny." -Both girls like to declare people as funny anytime they make you laugh. 
"One two three!" - Lia counts anytime she wants to jump or be swung. 
"Whoa (names everyone she knows)!" -Zadie does this almost every car ride, and she gets herself going so fast that she starts to repeat names or just list things.
"Lia help." -Lia's version of don't touch me, leave me alone, and let me do this all by myself.
"Pack pack." -backpack (mostly Zadie)
"Hold you." - Zadie's request to be held or carried, clearly learned from "want me to hold you?"
"Roll Gos" -Zadie's term for "roll the gospel chariot along."
"Toto's song!"- Do Re Mi (or any song from Sound of Music)
"Pokey"- the current favorite song, "hokey pokey."

Two Goofs

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Our Sweet ZZ

Zadie is little miss even-keeled and sweet, especially compared to her crazy sister. 

Lia the Fashionista

Lia has a knack for finding the oddest combinations of accessories and making them look cute. 

Ready for School

We've got to be about the cutest kids with pack packs ever. 

Tu Tu Photo Shoot

Tu Tu Photo Shoot

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Friday Night Lights

We enjoyed our first Texas high school football game on Friday night along with some unseasonably cool weather. It felt great to be outside with fresh air and a light mist. The girls were excited about the "football game" and celebrated all the touchdowns. We had to leave at half time since it was already an hour and a half past our bedtime, but I think it's safe to say that Guyer was going to win since we were up 42-0.  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

25 Weeks

Mama tells us that baby Gwendolyn is much easier to carry than we were. It's pretty obvious by looking at these comparison pictures that there is only one baby in there this time. Dr. Ricks told her that she was measuring at 32 weeks at this time when she was pregnant with us. We'll hope that little miss Wendy stays put until everyone's ready for her in December.