Sunday, March 2, 2014

More Fun at School

We've been having a lot of fun at school with all this great weather!

Slides are our newest favorite hobby. 

The other day Lia just had to sit on every curb between the playground and the church. She's not weird at all.

Note the difference in art interest between the two. Zadie has to be coaxed to stay with her projects while Lia will sit for over an hour painting. 

We're learning to sit still like big girls.

Our favorite teacher, Taryn. 

Lia had become quite the nurturing little girl. She is now obsessed with babies after feeding the new baby at the school. She was very irritated when the adults took over for burping the poor 2-month old.

One girl completely focused on the task while the other is trying hard to avoid it. 

We graduated out of the stroller for Chapel every day! Z had to go to school by herself this day when Lia was sick. 
Oops. We played too hard. 

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