Sunday, March 16, 2014

Roads End

In hopes of finding some glass floats, we wandered up North to comb the beaches one morning. 

Back at Our Beach

Dune Day

Mama and Daddy always talk about the fun sand dune in Pacific City. We woke up to beautiful weather on Tuesday, so we accepted the challenge of climbing this monstrous dune. 
First we had to get to the dune. 

Lia loved her view from Daddy's shoulders. 
Mama had to take a picture of us before we got started. 
Whoa. That's a big climb. 
Is this what Moses felt like?

Wait up, Daddy!
Slow and steady wins the race.

Stopping to play in the sand while Mama rests.

We're almost to the top!

I've walked a whopping 20 steps up this thing and I'm happy about it! 
Daddy and Lia made it up first.

Rocky victory pose?

And now to begin the sand removal.

Post-Dune Adventures in Pacific City

Once we came down from our trek up the mountain we snuck out to the tide pools. It seemed that the tide was coming in, so that adventure didn't last long. Two little girls had a pretty grand time exploring the treasures (rocks) in the wet sand.

"ZZ! Get that rock over there on the right!"

"Yes! That's the perfect one to throw next!"

Hmmm...this kinda feels like the stuff that's in my diaper right now.

And after we finished playing in Pacific City, we crashed. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Break Beach Trip Day 1

We arrived at the beach on Monday with some good, but not amazing, weather--scattered clouds. We knew this was about as good as it gets at the beach in March, so we took the girls down for some immediate time on the beach. Little did we know, this was the just about worst weather we would see this trip. 

The pictures say it all for this first day. Zadie loved her time  Lia was scared of walking or stepping on the sand and screamed every time we set her down.

Zadie quickly learned why her Mama always keeps her hands in her pockets.

I HATE the sand!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sunday Afternoon

We had a chance to take pictures with all of our cousins on Sunday. After the official session, we snapped a few candid (and some not-so-candid) shots while we played with the Gardner cousins at G-ma's house. 

Somebody loved the inchworm that Mama used to ride when she was little. 

Miss independent ate up the attention from her cousins while she explored.

There may have been some fighting over who got to sit in the rocking chair on the front porch.