Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Lia loves all slides. Zadie tolerates some slides, but HATES the tube slides. 

A little static?

Up! More!

Sick Sisters

We got pretty sick this last week.  

We tried letting mommy and daddy know we needed to go to the doctor by ever so subtly pulling out our doctor kit and examining everyone.
Sick eyes. 

Don't judge my outfit. I peuked all over myself at the Thai restaurant and only had blue pants as backups. 
4 days of fever is no fun. 

Mama staying home from work is fun!


We love all books. Every day we search for just the perfect book on the shelf, pull it off (after removing 47 others), and walk it over to the nearest adult, grabbing theirs hands and plopping onto their lap so they'll read it to us. Our very favorites right now are: "I Can Do It," by Eric Carle and "El Camioncito Azul." However, we have many runner ups. 

Lia has taken a liking to Latin American art books. She thinks this painting looks like Papa. 

Sleepy babies

Not often do we snuggle during naps. Last Saturday we spent a few extra minutes holding babies prior to naps. 

Here's our remake of one of their newborn shots.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Home again

The flight back to Texas was uneventful (despite nasty seat assignments and being split), but once we got home the girls were busy as ever. Everything we unpacked, Zadie would go fetch and try to repack. Both girls ran around the house like they had never been there before. Toys were everywhere, and we felt like we were chasing our tails. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Before we left for Texas, we had to get one more picture of our cousins. As you can see, we are well-loved. Maybe when we come back for Spring Break we'll be able to defend ourselves from Rhett's aggressive kisses and teach that boy a thing or two. 

Smiles and No-Smiles

We went to get some pictures taken in some fun little outfits from Janie and Jack. Initially, both girls were stone-faced. Zadie warmed up and became little miss smiles. Lia, on the other hand, almost had a smirk on her face letting us know she would NOT be doing what we asked of her. 

Snuggles and Sleep

Time zone changes and sickness always seem to throw off any sleep routines we have worked to develop. Napping with G-Ma Ann makes it all better--until we head back home. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Big baths

We love taking baths in G-Ma and Papa's tub. 

Beach Days

Seven days at the beach without a single drop of rain and not enough wind to fly a kite--it must be some sort of record. Despite a little bout of sickness, the girls had a great time at the beach playing, reading, walking, eating out, watching sports, and relaxing. 

All that fresh air tuckered us out.