Saturday, August 17, 2013

Raccoon Races

Yesterday we were chased by a raccoon. Daddy was mowing the lawn so Mom took us out for a walk around the little lake in our neighborhood. While we were just strolling along a little raccoon jumped between Mom's legs and into the storage area of the stroller just under our seats. Mom started going crazy, but we didn't really see a big problem with it. He was just riding along underneath us as Mom started running and hollering at it. When we  passed the house with all the barking dogs, he jumped out so Mom started going even faster. We thought it was kind of funny as the little guy chased us all the way home. Mom was not laughing. 

Once we got home Mom ran us into the garage and shut the door just before the little critter caught up. He tried to squeeze in as the door shut, but Mom's hysteria must have kept him out. Meanwhile, Dad was mowing. We watched from inside as the raccoon chased Daddy around the backyard despite his waving broom. Eventually, he climbed up in a tree, we got our dinner, and animal control came to relocate him. It was a series of unfortunate events that a ended fortunately.

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