Saturday, June 22, 2013

Plane Ride to Oregon

Our plane ride at 8 months was much more trying than the plane ride at 3 months. It did not help that we were re-routed right off the bat. We went from Dallas to San Antonio (1 hour), then immediately switched planes and went from San Antonio to Phoenix (2 hours). We had about a 2-hour lay-over in Phoenix before boarding the plane for Phoenix to Portland (2.5 hours). We finally got into Portland at 1 am Pacific Time (3 am in Texas) so it was roughly 8 and a half hours of travel. We drove to Salem and didn't get to bed until 4 am. This made for a very long day. The girls did great, but slept for most of the plane rides, so they were ready to get up at 7 am--making for a very short sleep for Mom and Dad.

Waiting to leave Dallas.

Boarding our first flight.
Lia's a trooper.

Zadie is not into the Moby wrap.
Waking up for landing. A bit groggy.

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