Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Perfect Picture

We have learned many techniques for taking pictures of twin 1-year-olds. The most effective of these is to snap as many photos as you can, as fast as you can, and pray that one turns out where they were both smiling--or at least looking in the direction of the camera. More often than not, we settle with some cute picture of them staring off into space, concentrating on something else, or just being themselves. With both girls in their Christmas dresses on two separate occasions, we were sure to have the chance to get a great shot of them both giving their best "I love Christmas!" faces. After over 355 pictures and the iPhone alerting us that it was too full of photos, we have not a single shot of Z looking at the camera with a smile. Nonetheless, here are some cute shots from Christmas. 

Countdown to Christmas

We have had lots of fun getting ready for Christmas at G-Ma and Papa's. 


The girls made these Mistletoes for us at daycare. Couldn't be much cuter!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Two Too Cute

Another product of the ice days were these tutus for the girls. They have had a lot of fun parading around in them. In fact, the daycare had a Christmas program for all the children to "perform." Z and L's class rode in wagons and were supposed to be ringing jingle bells while the audience sang. I saw Zadie throw her "ball" (bells) right as they entered the sanctuary. I have no clue where Lia's went, but they didn't even so much as smile. Straight-faced and stoic. Probably didn't help that the daycare is at a Church of Christ, so there were no instruments. I guess our girls need some instruments if we want them to dance--or shake bells. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow Days

We were hit with a massive ice storm this weekend. School was canceled on Friday and Monday. It was next to impossible to travel anywhere, so we tried to entertain ourselves at home. 

When will we ever get to go outside again?

Little Miss Christmas.

Future doctor?
Of course, we had to watch White Christmas.
I love a warm bath!

All the time at home did help Zadie master her walking skills, and provided time for Lia to move from 2 steps to 7 steps. Looks like we'll have walkers by Christmas!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


The other day the daycare teacher reported to us that Lia was plowing other babies down with her walker/pusher thing. We have seen her do this to Zadie, but we thought it was a game as Zadie as the ability to crawl away laughing. Apparently, she just likes to now anyone down she can-- including little babies. We'll work on focusing this aggression toward the basketball court now. 

Future Power Forward on our hands here.

Definitely more of a guard--she prefers the perimeter play.

New Hobbies

The night we returned from Thanksgiving, Lia decided she needed to sit in her box of blocks. 
Looks comfortable.

Why not stand too?

Kind of like a bubble bath.

Zadie, of course, had to follow suit. Which resulted in a small fight. We've had a lot of little girl fights around here lately, and I'm afraid it is just the beginning. 

Let's give this a try.

Of course, fighting ensued.

Oh, Christmas Tree

The girls have not paid a lot of attention to the Christmas tree with a few exceptions. We kind of thought they would have a hard time leaving it alone and would be enamored with the lights. While they seem to enjoy the lights, it does not seem to really grab their attention much. In fact, Zadie has been a bit afraid of getting near the tree (the pokey needles deter her). That said, today they both got in a bit of trouble as they made several attempts to remove ornaments. We are working hard on leaving the "pretty" things alone.