Thursday, December 20, 2012

A few of our favorite things

- When Lia sighs in your arms.
- Zadie's whiney cry (heh heh heh heh heh) when she is mildly protesting or upset about something. Cutest thing ever.
-Lia's lower lip just before she cries sometimes sticks way out and we feel borderline abusive when we try to take a picture rather than comfort her.
- Zadie's high-pitched protest when you wake her up or move her when she doesn't want to move. Short little scream.
- Lia's contented sounds when she eats--mmm mmmm mmmm mmm.

-Zadie's disgruntled look when she is being burped (she's growing out of this now).
-Cute baby bottoms at bath time--and wet babies wrapped in a towel.
-Zadie's sounds when she is attacking her pacifier.

-When they hold hands.

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