Thursday, April 22, 2010

As A Break from Revising...

...I made a "wordle" of my Introduction. I have found that it takes at least three drafts of a chapter before I get even close to being approved to send it on to the committee. This round I received all sorts of feedback about personification--apparently I do it too much. I can't say that "best practices assert...." I have to say "the authors of best practices assert..." or something like that. I had all sorts of other comments about silly little things, and then some not so silly things as well. While its easy (though time consuming) to fix the silly things, the bigger things take much more thought and energy. So, once I got tired of working, I decided to make a Wordle out of my first chapter to see how well it captures the "gist" of my dissertation. The words are definitely there, but it is difficult to see my thinking as to how it all jives. I suppose you could look at the wordle and see me as a big proponent of best practices--just to be clear, that is not the case.

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