Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's Official, or, the Rumors are True!

This blog will be undergoing revision, since in about five months we can no longer call it "the Nois" (as we will no longer be living in the 'Nois). We are thinking the new title can be "tex-as$ sized stories," but since our moms (are the only ones who) read this, I don't know if we can pull that off---which is doubly unfortunate because I am sure that that is how most people would describe my stories even if we weren't moving there.

In any event, we hope everyone is well. We know we haven't been diligent updating the blog, but what do you want from us? We are trying to pack and sell a house, finish a dissertation, become real adults (ok, that's just me! P has been an adult for years)...

We'll keep you posted on any more news.


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