Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas and San Francisco

Here's a picture of K on his bike we rented to "bike the bridge."

We have finally returned to Normal from all of our vacationing for Christmas. Instead of trying to narrate everything that happened, I'll just post two albums that tell enough of our stories. Needless to say, we had a great time traveling, but we are happy to be back at home--as is Bruchi.

Here is a link to a very small, limited Christmas album. I'm hoping that family will share some of their pix as I appear to have very few.

Christmas 2008

And here is a link for San Francisco.
San Francisco


Tara and Bryan said...

that is one large man on a bike! Did the bike come with a seat because I can't see one in this picture. This looks like your first step towards triathlons.

Tara and Bryan said...

Great pictures! Who were you interviewing with in San Fran?