Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Wife, Former Valedictorian, Current Scholar and Educator, Future School Administrator and Ph.D.

B, you are going to love this one!

Scene: Walking into church discussing names for our unborn children. Nearing the front doors, P looks over at me and says

P: I still really like the name Emory, but how do you want to spell that?"

K: Well, I like the more traditional spelling E-M-O-R-Y, but if you don't like that I suppose you could always spell it E-M-E-R-I-E.

P: (thinking hard for a moment) "Well, how do they spell it in the song?"

K: What song?

P: You know, (singing) "Emory and Ivory live together in perfect harmony."

K: You're joking right? You are seriously joking?

P: That's how it goes, Boz.

K: You're an idiot!

(20 minutes into the church service)

P: (taps me on the shoulder and whispers) Seriously Boz, what is wrong with the song? Emory and Ivory, right?

K: Shush, I am praying for your mental health right now.

(On the way home from church)

P: So are you going to tell me what's wrong with the song?

K: Only if I can blog about it when you realize how dumb you are.

P: No, Bozzy don't blog about it! Just tell me.

K: Ok fine, what color is ivory?

P: OHHHH, EB-ony and Ivory. Whoops (sheepish giggle).

1 comment:

Tara and Bryan said...

Thank you Patty! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.