Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The smoke detector conspiracy

Following last night's--or rather this wee hour morning's--shenanigans, I am beginning to think that there is a smoke detector conspiracy. A conspiracy, K? Really? Yep, I am serious.

Here's what happens: our smoke detectors have *always* run out of batteries at 3am or earlier in *every* house we have ever lived in; as a result of having low batteries, the fire alarm chirps (incessantly), knowing full well that we do not have the kind that will stop the chirping; I, in turn, stumble out of bed and wander through the house trying to find the low batteried smoke detector; once I find it, I try to pull it down without tools (which never works); then I go and get tools and nearly break the thing (which wouldn't stop it from chirping anyway); I always forget that disconnecting the smoke detector will not make it stop chirping, and since I do not have the right batteries, I subsequently wrap it up into about four quilts and hide it somewhere (the freezer) until morning; I roll back into bed and end up thinking about my work for the next two hours (until the birds start chirping); then, once I finally get back to sleep the alarm goes off...

So, here's my relatively simple question: why can't the batteries run out in the daytime? They never have in our house, and I am beginning to think they never will. Hence, smoke detector conspiracy...

Impressive logic, I know, but seriously, what is happening here? Does this happen other places as well?

For further proof that this could, in fact, be a conspiracy -- see the Friends episode where Phoebe experiences a similar scenario. Yes, of course I am implying that Friends represents reality...

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