Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Spiraling Spring

At our cinco de mayo celebration last night, it was brought to our attention that we have not blogged in a LONG time. Perhaps this is because our Spring has been absolutely exhausting with non-stop school work. Since the last post....
-K found out that he successfully passed his doctoral exams
-P's tulips have bloomed...finally!
-Bruchi received a toy (a wubba) that he loved for about 3 days before he destroyed it
-K has turned in his dissertation proposal and is revising prior to his defense hearing
-P completed her 2nd semester of PhD coursework
-Bruchi continues to mimic the tornado siren during the tornado drills every Tuesday at 10 am
-K and P traded the truck in for a more gas efficient car -- we figured we would do our part in boosting the economy by putting our government rebate checks right back out there.

Coming up...
P goes to Oregon. K and P go to Georgia. P's bro returns from his 2 month backpacking Euro trip. Punjab and The Panther head to Europe. Lovebirds leave for a London wedding...not their own--but maybe they'll surprise us! Wow...it looks like we got the short end of the stick for travel destinations!

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