Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

It's P's birthday today, and how are we going to celebrate it? Well! P is going to be teaching from 8-4 and then once she gets back she has an hour before she has to go to night class. You had better believe that hour is going to be awesome, though! Plus, I am bringing her lunch, so that'll be fun too. Bru and I will eat some cake and enjoy her flowers for her this evening in her absence.

We are heading down to Georgia at the end of the week and will be driving through Louisville and Nashville. We'll celebrate in each of those cities, I think. Lil' barbeque and jazz at the Bluebird cafe, maybe. Maybe a lil' shopping at the Grand Ole Opry Factory Stores? Who knows, we won't be in Normal, that's fo sho.

Pictures to come!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Spiraling Spring

At our cinco de mayo celebration last night, it was brought to our attention that we have not blogged in a LONG time. Perhaps this is because our Spring has been absolutely exhausting with non-stop school work. Since the last post....
-K found out that he successfully passed his doctoral exams
-P's tulips have bloomed...finally!
-Bruchi received a toy (a wubba) that he loved for about 3 days before he destroyed it
-K has turned in his dissertation proposal and is revising prior to his defense hearing
-P completed her 2nd semester of PhD coursework
-Bruchi continues to mimic the tornado siren during the tornado drills every Tuesday at 10 am
-K and P traded the truck in for a more gas efficient car -- we figured we would do our part in boosting the economy by putting our government rebate checks right back out there.

Coming up...
P goes to Oregon. K and P go to Georgia. P's bro returns from his 2 month backpacking Euro trip. Punjab and The Panther head to Europe. Lovebirds leave for a London wedding...not their own--but maybe they'll surprise us! Wow...it looks like we got the short end of the stick for travel destinations!