Monday, March 10, 2008


The hunt is OVER!!! We got a Wii's the amazing and heartwarming story. By the way, Lifetime contacted us last evening for the rights and told us that it should come out in November of this year. Here's an early preview, cue the music.

Last Sunday, we resolved to give up on the Wii search when P and I realized that to compete for a Wii in our town (note "compete" not "get") you have to sit outside Circuit City for almost three hours. That means that people are/were sitting out there around 6:00am. Crazy.

On our way to the windy city yesterday, however, our friend S called to tell us that her sister and her sister's husband were standing in line for them at a Best Buy in the burbs and wanted to know if we wanted them to pick one up for us? Answer: yes (in a supersonic high-pitched squeal from me). Mind you, we haven't made a deliberate trip up to the burbs since October, so for this to happen on the day we decided to "get out of Normal" was incredibly seredipitous (as if I wouldn't have driven up there just for that). We got this call while we were at Red Robin (one of P's and my favorite restaurants) with two of our good friends. So . . . let me get this straight, good food, not in Normal, great company and we get a Wii? Must've done something good! Actually, I made a wish by holding my breath over a bridge so do that cause it really works (not really)! (By the way, I was so happy to hear about the Wii that I nearly forgot that P and I were accosted by the Red Robin manager for drinking out of the same lemonade glass! sigh...)

So we got the Wii, and had the crew over to test it out. Best system ever! Everyone loves to play, and for the first time in my life I had to tell P that SHE needed to put down the video game and go to bed because she has to work this week (I am on SPRING BREAK).

Anyway, thanks to Pinky and the Pirate!

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