Monday, February 18, 2008

I am not technically a doctor yet, but come on...

For those who know P, it may be hard to believe that she has any faults. In fact, on more than one occasion, I have caught faint murmurings that catalogue the degree of her perfection. This post is meant to alert you, however, that she does indeed have a fault: she is the most stubborn human being alive. Case in point. P spent most of yesterday curled in a blanket passing in and out of sleep with what appeared to be a nice combination of a flu and sinus infection. She was so sick that she spent most of the night swetting out a fever and most of the morning shaking around a cup of tea. In spite of this obvious illness, P informed me when I returned home from teaching this morning that although she was not feeling any better, she would be going to school to conduct parent-teacher conferences. Let it be known that twenty minutes before she left I had to shake her from a sleep deprived stupor.

Following a good two hours of conferencing, P then informed me that she would be going to night class for three hours. I told her she needed to stay home, that she was sick, and that she would regret leaving the house. Shockingly, I was right. I just picked P up about twenty minutes ago and she was shivering, hacking, and generally the most unhappily sick she has been since we have been married. So sick, in fact, she looked at me and told me "you were right, I should have stayed home" (I nearly drove into oncoming traffic I was so surprised). P is now in bed, and we'll see if she has learned her lesson. My theory on sickness is that if it hurts to get up, your body is telling you not to. If you care about this woman, please call her not to tell her you hope she feels better (you may do so, of course), but that she should listen to the people who care about her.

1 comment:

bnord said...

I sure hope she feels better soon! We miss you guys. We've been crazy busy and revamping the house!