Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bow Down to Washington!!!!

As I type this post, I am sporting a heather grey hooded sweatshirt with a purple and gold "W" on the front; the "W," of course, stands for the University of Washington. Today, the Husky football team is 2-0 and preparing for a late afternoon tussle with the Ohio State Univesity.

Words cannot describe how excited I am for this game. While watching it on our television here in the Midwest, I will be looking for the seats on the second deck that my dad and I spent so many afternoons in while I was growing up. I will feel the chills up my back when I hear the announcer welcome the "dawg fans" to Husky Stadium (I am there in spirit!!!). I will scream *literally* when the team hoists their gold helmets up in their air at the opening kickoff. I will hold a cookie in my hand and pretend that it is a "cow-chip cookie" - if you don't know, you can't know. I will call my dad after every score so that it feels as though even though we are thirteen hours and five states apart, we are still doing something that we have always done, and that has been truly foundational to our relationship. I will sing "Bow Down to Washington" during halftime even though I only know the words "Bow Down to Washington" "Mighty are the Men, Who Wear the Purple and the Gold" "Heaven Help the foes of Washington" and "Ra-Ra-Ra."

Some people say that sports are trivial, but maybe that is because they don't get it. I love Husky football because I love my dad who loves Husky football. I love the memories, and I hold fast to each one, from age 6 to age 26. I can close my eyes and see the walk from the parkade, down through campus, past the peanut vendors, through the purple gates, and down the corridor. I can feel my dad sitting next to me, and I can hear him scream, and can see him clap. I look past the scoreboard and see the Sound, the mountains, and my home. I remember all of these things and miss him, bad. I want to make the drive home and talk about all of the plays, the Don James era, the two Rose Bowls we attended, and the time we brought Dave Steele who yacked in his frontyard as we dropped him off.

Below is a picture of Husky stadium.
Don't talk to me for a week if they don't win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.