Thursday, June 28, 2007


We haven't posted in awhile because not much exciting has happened here in the 'Nois--other than daily thunderstorms and lots of humidity. That's about to change as we are in the middle of our big Chicago trip where we are doing all of the touristy things. So far we have:
gone to see Wicked (AMAZING!) at the Oriental Theater,
gone to the top of the John Hancock Building to the observatory (highly recommended),
eaten at The Melting Pot (P loved it, K thought it was good, but overpriced),
gone on an architectural boat cruise of Chicago (a must-do while in Chicago),
shopped on State Street (like the huge, fancy department stores on Miracle on 34th Street),
visited Oak Street Beach (urban skyscrapers meet sandy paradise).

We'll post pictures when we finish our trip. In the meantime, buy airline tickets to come visit us and you too can experience Che-CAH-go.

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