Tuesday, July 21, 2020


These two couldn’t wait to get back to basketball...even in 108 degree heat. 

LONG Drive Home

The girls were darn near perfect on the 22 hour ride home. They slept for a lot of time, watched several movies and shows, and spotted license plates from 21 different states. 
Ginny was amazing too. 

Tractors and Gators and Hazelnuts

Little Biker

She’s pretty confident now, but still needs a little help stopping and some fine tuning with turns.

Water Fights with the Cousins

Water balloons on the trampoline. 

Water gun fights. 

Watch out, Papa! 

Nothing like a concrete driveway to relax and soak up the sun. 

Namaste. I CAN survive with 5 girls all day. 

Apparently close birthdays mean similar sunbathing poses. 



We’ve always known this girl is a little crazy. We couldn’t find her one afternoon, and I guessed she was off tending to a hurt bird, catching ladybugs, singing to a kitty, strategically placing rocks into the backyard, or maybe opening 4 cans of cat food. I did not guess that she would be sitting on the bottom shelf in Papa’s stinky shed curled up in some old, nasty carpet that she shaped into a chair. “I was just resting. It’s comfy here.” Yuck!

Mo’s Is Our Comfort Food

We kind of feel at home when we’re at Mo’s. It’s always a good time for family style chowder, garlic toast, and Pepsi.

Mom Let Us Play in the Ocean!

This is Gwendolyn saying, “This is the most fun I have EVER had in my ENTIRE life.”  She gets the hyperbole from her dad. 

New Trails

We discovered a little trail out on the peninsula by Depoe Bay that made for some great whale watching and sight seeing. 

Beach Weather

We had a few days of perfect beach weather, so we took full advantage and soaked up the beach.