Saturday, May 30, 2020

Social Distancing is Better at the Beach

Though it rained most of the day, we were able to get Ginny her first short walk on the beach, and then it cleared up just as we waited for 45 minutes for one of the few tables at Mo’s. We took advantage and got some good beach time with lots of wildlife—crabbing, seals, seagulls fighting. 


This girl is a good helper when it comes to picking and cleaning strawberries.

She Persisted

Z has been working for a long time to reach the top of the rope swing.

More Cat Poses


Her Pet Frog

She thinks he’ll be a great pet because he catches flies for us. It took a lot of coaxing to return the frog to a flower pot.

Sleeping Arrangements

Gwendolyn and Lia decided to share a bed. Each morning we find them in different, and quite odd, places  

Backyard Fun

Eugenia loves chasing the fox tail, but what she loves even more is running and diving into the bushes of Heather, where she then just sprawls out and will not leave. We’re not sure if it’s the cool/dampness, the subtle scratchiness, or exactly what is causing the attraction, but she loves it...and we love picking it all out of her fur.

Tea Party- 2020 Style

This is a socially distant tea party to be sure no one shares COVID 19.
