Thursday, January 31, 2019

Proud Girl

Lia is not known for her focus as she may be most easily distracted child around, but she is known for her big heart and compassion for others. Her teacher sent a note today saying how sweet she is with other kids and how much they love her. She earned an award for being a good friend. 


This girl is an amazing helper when she wants to be. She helped us clean up the backyard and stuck with it for almost 3 hours. She’s even better at school. 

Sleepy Nights

Some days we just go too hard. 

Roller Skates

The girls are always wanting to go roller skating, so we surprised them on MLK day with a quick trip. We expected it to last for maybe an hour, but they skated for 2 hours solid, crashing, getting back up, crashing, getting back up, and crashing some more. All 3 improved a lot with Lia braving it on the big skating rink and Gwendolyn throwing her trainer tool to the side by the end. Even Zadie showed some courage skating away from the rails and picking up speed. It was a hit.

We finished the day with doctor appointments, Chuy’s, and Beth Marie’s. 


We had some super cold weather, and the girls were just sure they saw some snow flurries, so they had to go outside and try to catch snowflakes. No luck. 


This girl is all sorts of trouble and loves attention. She’s an angel when you have her alone, but she’ll pester and annoy all day long when she’s not the center is our universe. She loves her sisters dearly and loves playing with them nonstop when they get home from school each day. Showers and puzzles may be her two favorite things ever. She’s oh so proud of the fact that she did not cry for four shots at four years old.

Duke Part 2


Even though we keep busy with school, there’s still plenty of time to have fun with friends. 

Back to Texas

We came back to Texas to find that Santa had visited our chimney as well. We watched the Seahawks in a disappointing loss to the Cowboys, and tried to adjust back to Texas time. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Gilbert House Again

Zadie claims she’ll never be too old for The Gilbert House, so it looks like we’re in it for the long haul.