Sunday, November 18, 2018

Courthouse Cuties

Somebody was a grouch in front of the camera. 

Book lovers

Saturday, November 17, 2018


We had a couple cold mornings, and little miss prepared was overly prepared. It is amazing to see her plan things out, think about 10-15 steps ahead and prepare contingency plans for her first choice plans. She thinks she’s at least 30, and kids in her class treat her as if she’s the teacher, “Zadie, Lia didn’t finish all her food.” She mothers both sister some, but especially Gwendolyn, and we always have th reminde her not to be too bossy. She’s super smart, fun to be with, and be a pretty great girl. 

After School Club

The littlest loves coming to school to play with her sisters and Natalia after school sometimes. 

Careers in Wheels

One of the few perks of having your mom as principal is that you get to take a picture with the fire fighter alone—definitely outweighs all the early mornings, late evenings, and being pushed around to different spaces for meetings. 



Gwendolyn and Maisie are just two months apart, and they have fun together when their paths cross at school. Two more years ‘til they have Kindergarten together.

Fun Run

This was the first Fun Run where the twins legitimately ran—as opposed to running because their mom is the principal. It was raining, so everything was moved indoors, but they had a blast. 

Wonder Woman

She does everything with zest. She’s naughty with zest, sweet with zest, kisses with zest (“like a wedding”), hugs with zest, rides her scooter with zest...the list goes on. She’s particular about her clothes (always has at least some input on outfits) and her food (mostly just eats dinner super slow, unless it’s enchiladas). She speaks Spanish very well, and will argue with anyone that she is “mexicana.” You’d never guess she was just 3 years old by her vocabulary, ability to sit and focus, motor skills, and just about everything. We have to remind ourselves often.