Monday, August 20, 2018

Swim Party

We ordered pizza for the pool, and enjoyed an evening of swimming. Zadie and Lia can both make it across the pool without help now—though their strokes are not pretty. Gwendolyn can jump in and swim to the side. She can also swim down and touch the ground—4 times (and she’s proud). 

Rebel Girls

The girls have loved reading “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls,” and each night they decide they want to be just like the woman in the story. We’ve had ballerinas, presidents, botanists, aviators, weightlifters, and more. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Let’s Go Wings

We went to a WNBA game and it was a lot of fun. It made for a late night, but all 3 girls loved it. 

The One Left Behind

So far Gwendolyn doesn’t mind having her sisters at school all day. She is apparently a very good girl when she’s an only child. She is mastering her Spanish alphabet, and working in diving to the bottom of the pool—and flipping backwards on the rings at the gym. She’s pretty spoiled. 

First Day of Kindergarten

The girls loved their first day of Kindergarten. Zadie was very nervous that she wouldn’t have any friends. She was pleased to tell me at lunch that she did have a friend and everything was going well. Lia sailed through the day without a hitch. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Meet the Teacher

The girls were not overly thrilled by “Meet the Teacher” day. They did not enjoy the meetings. 


We needed freshly polished toes for school. 

Sassy Sister