Monday, July 30, 2018

Big Girls’ Afternoon Out

The littlest Jensen was sick, so the big girls got to go out to run errands, have lunch, and ice cream. While we were getting back into the car after target, one of them said—“oh, we can go so fast without Gwendolyn. She really slows us down.” True point. 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Ready for Kindergarten

They have their supplies all packed, and they’re ready for school. 

Clean Freak

Hand this girl a bottle of windex, and she’ll clean anything. 

Hot Summer Swimming

Most of us bunker down indoors during the 108 degree heat waves. That leaves an empty pool for these girls to live. They’ve been swimming every day that they are much so, that the littlest has a nice case of swimmer’s ear. 

Dentist Day

Gwendolyn handled her first dental visit like a champ. We kept the office hopping with 4 cleanings all at once. 

Biking Back at Home

They were a little bit nervous to try their biking skills with their own bikes, but soon realized that the phrase “it’s like riding a bike” is true. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Little Bikers

Both twins have learned to ride a bike sans training wheels this summer. They’ve used the most rag tag, used, and beat up bikes you can imagine, but it has worked. As expected, Zadie was a bit reluctant and much less willing to crash and take a risk, but even her cautious self managed to figure it out. She’s about the slowest and stiffest bike rider I have ever seen, but she’s riding it nonetheless. Lia, on the other hand, jumped on and rides fast, only needing us to tell her to slow down, steer more conservatively, and use her brakes. 

Gotta love the dress tucked into panties look to keep bike riding safe.